Electricians in Cheltenham
Cheltenham Electricians- based here in the centre of Cheltenham just off the High Street we have been helping local businesses with their electrical issues since 1976.
If you have a shop, office, factory or business unit here and you have an electrical problem- we are fully qualified to help you- and being local not only can we fix it quickly- but as our travel costs will be low- our service to you will also be competitively priced.

So please give us a bell on 511807 and we will give you a quick, competitive quote.
Or please see our contact UBE page.
Quality, qualified Cheltenham electricians
Don't just take our word for a quality electical capabilities- here are just a few of our customer testimonials;
"UBE are the only company who I trust for my businesses' electrical needs"- S Walker Sues Crafts
"Dear Mr Skinner- Thank you very much for providing the lights and sound for my party! It made the whole thing the best party ever!!!" L R.
"Many thanks, the lighting made a huge difference. All your attention to detail and hard work throughout the evening much appreciated."K P
"Many thanks for your help, I know everyone was very impressed." L B
"I am writing to tell you how delighted we were with all the services last week. Your generosity and goodwill are without parallel and we are once again indebted to you." B G
"Thank you so much for your fantastic work with the electrics." L G
"A million thanks for the lighting it looked great." W I
"Thank you very much for a great job, really well lit." L G
Do these credentials inspire confidence in our abilities to help you? If so please ring us now on 01242 511807 or please click on the button or click the contact us link now.